2 item(s)
1 x $30
Quality education requires 'human and financial resources which should be available to the maximum extent possible… & we are working to arrannge the resources for that.
The Organization aims the development of weaker section of the society and their livelihood. We also focus the preservation and conservation of Environment.
The folk-lore of Uttarakhand, indeed the lives of the people are filled with dancing-it is the main part of their tradition and heritage for them as wearing clothes, a must for life.
Thousand of miles away from our motherland, here in New Zealand every year UANZ organize the celebrations of Holi & Diwali festivals, to get together...
UANZ is committed to preserve the cultural heritage of uttarakhand. Exporing our Garhwali & Kumaoni culture to peoples of New Zealand is always a...
Fresh air, Clean Water & Green land are the three basic needs to protect the environment. UANZ is working in direction of protecting the environment from...
Uttakhand has a rich cultural heritage and cultural festivals aim to act as a dynamic force behind cultural innovation and social bonding...
In last 4 years we worked for soceity and earned the faith of peoples.
CFO, Walmart
CFO, Loop Inc
UANZ organizes lot of events and seminars time to time. Thousand of miles away from our motherland, here in New Zealand every year UANZ organize the celebrations of Holi & Diwali festivals, to get together. UANZ is committed to preserve the cultural heritage of uttarakhand. Exporing our Garhwali & Kumaoni culture to peoples of New Zealand. Here In Events Calendar section you can easily view all the upcoming events and programs which are to be organized by UANZ.
UANZ is working in sector of cummunity welfare and social establishment. UANZ is committed to preserve the cultural heritage of uttarakhand. Exporing our Garhwali & Kumaoni culture to peoples of New Zealand. Preserving cultural heritage and traditon is also a key area of UANZ. UANZ offers lot of awards and honors for the peoples who are positively working for the peoples. Here in Awards & Honors section you can view all the awards and honors offerd by the UANZ.
Here in New Zealand, lot of uttarakhandies are working in several industries. Some of them are working in Information Technology, Health, Hotels and even in business. We have listed these peoples and professionals on the our site with there detailed profile. If you are searching some expersts who can give services to your business please search the professionals as per your industry. Uttarakhandies are known for their honesty.
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There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. By donating, you will also be supporting your own community and literally saving lives with every pint donated. UANZ understands its social responsibility and supports Starship Foundation to fund raise for meeting its various goals relating to Children health. We also help the peoples of Uttarakhand, our motherland, in the field of education, health and livelyhood through “Nourishing Uttarakhand Roots Project” and help Uttarakhand children see “hope for their future”.